Joe Diggs is rooted in the African-American heritage not only of Cape Cod but of United States history. His subjects range from memories of his family's local bar (Twin Villas) to the community that was lost by the absorption of the Negro League by Major League Baseball (the Baller Series). Other artworks commemorate Black cultural figures such as James Baldwin as well as war veterans from his family. It is through this visual story-telling that Diggs presents a history that is too often marginalized by white-washed American culture.
Joe Diggs, Generations, 2020
Joe Diggs, Joe’s at Sea, 2020
Joe Diggs, Missing Kraig, 2019
Joe Diggs, Summer Shack, 2018
Joe Diggs, Chalk Lined Baller, 2017
Joe Diggs, Good Wood, 2017
Joe Diggs, Untitled (Baller Series) , 2017
Joe Diggs, Diggs Race Relations, 2015
Joe Diggs, Independence Day on the Vineyard, 2015
Joe Diggs, In the Rearview